Discover GoReporter – Anyone can become a video reporter and earn money

Nowadays everyone always has a smartphone in their pocket, but not everyone knows that thanks to this tool they can become video reporters and earn money. As of today, in fact, the participatory journalism platform GoReporter is available, which allows anyone to upload videos of events and news facts made with their smartphone. If such videos are deemed interesting and of good quality by the staff, they will be put up for sale on various platforms where interested professionals, such as journalists, TV broadcasters and documentary filmmakers, can purchase them. Among the platforms on which videos are offered for sale is mediaCastpro, the B2B marketplace for journalists and audiovisual professionals specializing in news videos. Fifty percent of the proceeds from the sales will be given to the users who uploaded the videos. Since this is a percentage, with no maximum, users who upload videos could also earn very substantial amounts, should they succeed in making truly unique and exclusive videos.

The new participatory journalism platform GoReporter allows the uploading of any video that may be of journalistic interest, such as videos of scheduled or unscheduled events, news facts, gossip, demonstrations, protests, interviews with famous people, etc. Videos can have been made anywhere in the world. Payment to users is made by bank transfer on a monthly basis.

Starting today, if you are in the right place at the right time and manage to film an event or news story, instead of posting the video on social networks, you can upload it to GoReporter and earn money. In addition, by doing so, you contribute to news reporting.

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